Coming Up in Assumption Parish and around town...

Welcome. News - Formerly CRHP

Posted on July 31, 2024 in: Faith Formation

Welcome. News - Formerly CRHP

We are very excited to announce that world-renowned Catholic author, Matthew Kelly has updated the Christ Renews His Parish retreat process – CRHP – and so have we at Assumption. Whether you are new to Welcome. or are a CRHP veteran, we hope you will join us for some spiritual renewal and fellowship at upcoming events.

Men’s Alumni Weekend – Rekindle the fire you felt at your first CRHP retreat! Join us for some spiritual energy and an evening bonfire at LaSalle Retreat Center in Wildwood, September 7 & 8. It is coming up fast, so make your reservations now through Kelly Gessert at 636-728-8840, or Ray Gerard at 847-638-5242,

Women’s Welcome. Weekend – October 12 & 13, we have a team formed to Welcome. you on your spiritual journey. We pray you will join us; it will not be the same without you! For information, contact Jamie Burbridge at

Event Registration--Women's Renewal Weekend

Scan the QR Code to Register: 

Men’s Welcome. Weekend – The team is currently forming for the upcoming Welcome. retreat March 22 & 23, 2025. For information, contact Jonas Enriquez at 314-413-0125 or Mike Vohsen at 314-951-4733.

Event Registration--Men's Renewal Weekend

Scan the QR Code to Register: 

Keep your eye out for additional Welcome. and Alumni events.

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